The Looney World of Logical Operators in Python: Where True Meets False and Everything Goes Bananas


2 min read

They are symbols that are used to help the programmer make decisions based on the outcome of multiple conditions.

Types of logical operators

The "and" operator

It returns TRUE if both the conditions on either side of it are true. Otherwise, it returns False. Type the below code to your editor and run the program.

In the above code, the "and" operator is used to combine two conditions: "x > 0" and "y > 0". Both conditions are true, so the message "Both x and y are positive." is printed.

The "or" operator

It returns TRUE if either of the conditions on either side of it is true. Otherwise, it returns False. In short, if x is true and y is false, the program still prints TRUE. Type the below program into your editor.

Since "x < 3" is false and "y > 5" is true, at least one condition has been met, and the message "At least one condition is true" will be printed.

The "not" operator

It negates the value of a Boolean expression. If the expression is True, "not" makes it False, and if the expression is False, "not" makes it True. Type the below script into your blog.

The message "x is not positive" should be printed.

The "not" operator negates the truth value of the expression "x>0". Since "x" is greater than 0, the expression "x>0" is True. Negating the truth value of "True" using the "not" operator results in "False". Therefore, the condition of the "if" statement is "False", and the indented code block is not executed. because the condition of the "if" statement is "False". If we removed the "not" operator, the condition would be "True" and the print statement would be executed.

I hope the explanations of logical operators have been clear and I also hope that you have enjoyed the article and get to learn something from it.